UTMB Emergency Management Program:
Institutional Safety & Security Executive Committee

The Institutional Safety and Security (ISS) Executive Committee is the administrative component of the Institutional Command Team that ensures all needs are met. The ISS has over thirty members, all of whom are leaders of their areas/departments (e.g. President of UTMB, CEO of Health System, CFO, CIO, CTO, etc). The ISS meets quarterly to discuss the major topics like hurricane season preparedness, risks to UTMB, steps to address those risks, and tracking important improvement activities identified in exercises and actual incidents. These meetings also feature presentations on key areas of interest (e.g., Covid-19, Facilities Readiness) and are facilitated by the department of Institutional Preparedness.

The ISS has several subcommittees that meet quarterly and report back at a higher, executive level to the ISS. These subcommittees address emergency preparedness, safety, security, and other critical needs of the institution. An organizational chart of these subcommittees is located on the right side of this page.

ISS Agenda Wheel

Additional Resources

ISS Charter

2024 Program Proposal - This proposal is based off of priority risks and potential gaps in current efforts.

Multi-Year Framework to address UTMB's priority risks.

    ISS Subcommittees:

    Active Shooter Prevention
    Chemical Incident Preparedness
    Continuity Planning
    Emergency Management
    ISS Subcommittee Mtg

    Chemical Incident Preparedness Subcommittee with representation from the National Weather Service and Galveston County Health District