Powerpoint Templates


These templates are a guide and blueprint for your presentations; they reinforce our brand and effectively communicate your great work. 

Our templates contain our UTMB Health colors, fonts and layout regions with which you can create your own custom presentations and templates. Store them, reuse them, and share them with others on your team. 

PowerPoint Presentations

The design format for PowerPoint presentations has been created for you.

The fonts should be the UTMB Health system fonts, Georgia and Arial. Note that the presentations are available in wide screen format only. 

PowerPoint Templates (.pot)

To download the UTMB PowerPoint template for wide width formats, click the link below:

Branded PowerPoint Presentations (.ppt)

To download a ready-to-use, branded PowerPoint presentation, for wide width formats, click the link below:

Research & Poster Presentations

When you share your great work with your colleagues, whether it's on campus or at an international conference, we're proud to have you represent our institution. The poster templates below offer several options to met a wide set of needs, all appropriately branded. Need it printed? Large-format printing using these templates is a service offered by the UTMB Print Shop.

To download the Poster template and pointers for using the document, click the links below: