The following professionalism-related resources are available to help faculty, staff and students succeed in conducting daily activities with honesty and integrity.
UT System Learning Center provides several independent learning modules for delivering and receiving feedback. The on line courses range from 20 minutes to an hour and a half and cover a variety of topics, such as Receiving Feedback, Receiving Feedback and Criticism, Delivering Feedback, Polishing Your Feedback Skills, Gaining a Positive Perspective on Feedback, and Feedback and Its Vital Role in the Workplace.
Human Resources Consulting Services
HR Consulting Services provide subject matter expertise on a variety of HR issues including assistance with job evaluations, qualifications assessment, recruitment, management counseling, policy development and staffing metrics. For more information, contact HR Administration at (409) 772-8699, and they will direct you to the appropriate contact.Office of Continuing Education (OCE)
OCE is dedicated to helping physicians and other health care providers fulfill their continuing medical education requirements. For information on CME courses over the Internet or other upcoming OCE events, visit its web site at /oce/. Interested parties can also email the office at or call (409) 772-9300.Organizational Development, Training and Recognition (ODT&R)
A division of Human Resources, ODT&R provides professional developmental opportunities through educational and consultative services to all levels of UTMB staff. ODT&R offers three levels of Leadership Development, General Employee Training Courses, Emotional Intelligence Courses/Assessments, Values in Professionalism, New Employee Orientation and other developmental assessments such as Birkman. Those interested should contact their supervisor about these programs. ODT&R can also be contacted about these programs or other facilitation, consultation and coaching services at (409) 747-6700 or, Ethics, Medical Errors Reporting
Ask the HIPPAA Team
A member of the HIPAA Team can respond to your questions or concerns about HIPAA, in general, or as it relates to your department. For other HIPAA information, contact (409) 747-8708 or Ethics Consultation Service
Available to physicians, nurses, allied health professionals and administrators, this service helps facilitate discussion, analysis and understanding of ethical issues in patient care. The service also provides recommendations for solving ethical problems that arise in health care practice. Every effort is made to preserve confidentiality and the service is provided at no charge to the patient or department. Ethics consultations can be initiated at (409) 747-1230.Clinical Risk Management (CRM)
Services A department of the Hospitals and Clinics, CRM works to reduce and control loss to patients, employees and visitors with a focus primarily on loss resulting from the delivery of health care. Reports of hazardous situations and adverse events may be made by completing an Occurrence Report, or by calling CRM directly 24 hours a day at (409) 772-4775.Conflict of Interest Committee (COI)
The Compliance Office has a web page describing conflict of interest policy. If you still have questions, contact UTMB Conflict of Interest Committee's administrative support at (409) 772-3023.Fraud and Abuse Hotline
This toll-free hotline enables staff and faculty to anonymously report suspected wrongdoing, including waste, fraud, abuse and violations of any federal or state laws and UTMB or U.T. System policies. The Hotline number is (800) 898-7679.Professionalism Agreement
The Professionalism Agreement is the product of a 2009 collaborative effort between the Ambulatory Clinics, the Professionalism Committee and Nursing, to have employees sign a commitment of understanding for maintaining professional conduct and behavior. The agreement is included in new employee orientation. Many areas annually review the agreement with the Professionalism Charter. Also available is, "Professionalism Agreement Talking Points for Managers".The John P. McGovern, Academy of Oslerian Medicine
This School of Medicine organization is dedicated to the application of Oslerian principles of compassion and humanism to contemporary health care and health care education. The Academy is led by William Osler Scholars, practicing physicians in the School of Medicine faculty selected for their history of giving highly competent, humane, compassionate care who serve as outstanding teachers and role models for these qualities. The McGovern Academy meets twice a month to study Osler and to develop ways to integrate his ideals into the UTMB curriculum and culture. Every six weeks, the meeting is open to everyone at UTMB and the public as the UTMB Osler Club. For more information, watch for upcoming events in the UTMB Daily Announcement listings, contact McGovern Academy Offices at (409) 747-9680 or visit Professionalism Committee
This working group of UTMB faculty, staff and students meets monthly. For information on how to get involved with the committee's professionalism activities, contact Mary Ann Pedraza at (409) 772-9867.Student Honor Pledge Committee
A student-run committee that works to promote the UTMB Honor Pledge and academic integrity in general. For information, contact the Student Life office at (409) 772-1996.The Goals Institute
The Goals Institute offers facilitation tools and resources for their four most popular programs so you can bring them into your organization and teach them yourself. Visit their website or call and ask about these programs: 1) Professionalism is for Everyone; 2) The Leader's Toolbox; 3) It's About TIME!; and 4) Soar...If You Dare! Visit the Goals Institute at or call 703-264-2000.Crucial Learning
Crucial Learning is a full-service organizational development firm that specializes in 1) Training of personal, interpersonal, and organizational skills; 2) Diagnostic and measurement tools and services; 3) Management and culture-change consulting; and 4) Research and development. Crucial Learning applies multidisciplinary theory and practical experience to complex organizational challenges to achieve its mission of helping organizations improve their individual, team, and organizational vitality. They partner with corporate and organizational leaders in diagnosing, designing, implementing, and measuring positive change. More than three hundred Fortune 500 companies and numerous organizations large and small have successfully used products and services produced by Crucial Learning. Visit Crucial Learning at for Patient and Professional Advocacy (CPPA) Tool Kit
The tool kit contains several teaching and decision aids that have been developed by the Vanderbilt Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy, such as situation analysis of an issue, balance beam, promoting professionalism pyramid, infrastructure development checklist, conversation goals and best practices in complaint report documentation.The National Board of Medical Examiners is pleased to introduce a new website for the Assessment of Professional Behaviors Program:
We invite medical educators, clinicians, students, residents, nurses, pharmacists, allied health professionals, and healthcare consumers to learn more about this developmental program.The Assessment of Professional Behaviors (APB) Program is a multisource feedback/360 evaluation program designed to provide participants with feedback on specific, observable professional behaviors as exhibited in medical education and work settings. The program is currently in development, with a large-scale pilot planned for 2007-08. Our goal is to have the program available for wide use in 2008.
The new APB website offers background information about the program and documentation of our current work, including the behaviors found on our survey instrument and program implementation guidelines. In the discussion forum, visitors have the opportunity to provide feedback and engage in discussions about our current set of behaviors. We welcome your input!
- ABIM Foundation Professionalism Site
- ABIM Foundation Physician Charter (PDF)
- Center for Academic Integrity
- Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
- American College of Physicians (ACP) Center for Ethics & Professionalism
- American Medical Association Professionalism Site
- Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Academy for Professionalism in Healthcare Podcast Series
Professionalism experts talk about effective practices and education techniques, as well as overcoming professionalism lapses in healthcare.Coaching and Professionalism Program
The Coaching and Professionalism Program (CAPP) represents an evolution following a review of the long-standing Early Concern Note (ECN) Program, established at UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine in 2000. The ECN program at UTMB was one of the earliest programs of its type in the US. Publication in 2005 of a University of California-San Francisco study demonstrating a strong relationship between unprofessional behavior in medical school and subsequent disciplinary action by medical boards led to broader emphasis on professionalism in medical school curricula and closer examination of learner behavior. Greater emphasis on incorporating professional behavior into both formal academic evaluations and informal early-warning programs is now well-established in the medical education literature. The ECN program review process included faculty, course and clerkship directors and coordinators, and students, and revealed misunderstandings and implementation difficulties that needed to be addressed. Thus, the ECN Program evolved to the Coaching and Professionalism Program (CAPP) with the purpose to reframe and reinforce the strengths and original goals of the ECN program. The CAPP maintains the student-centered approach of the original program and its commitment to nurture professionalism across the curriculum and the entire institution.Statement of Principles for Teacher and Learner Conduct in the Educational Setting
UTMB's institutional values of respect and integrity place an obligation on both teachers and learners to conduct themselves appropriately in the educational setting. UTMB is committed to fostering an environment that promotes academic and professional success in learners and teachers at all levels and in all settings. The achievement of such success is dependent on an environment free of behaviors which can undermine the important missions of our institution. These principles extend to learners enrolled as students in each of the schools and postdoctoral trainees in medicine and the biomedical sciences. Responsibilities for both Teachers and Learners are delineated in this document/contract. For more information contact, Dr. Michael Ainsworth at (409) 772-6928.Honor Education Council
This School of Medicine student-advisory organization works to promote honor and ethical principles by sponsoring various activities including the annual White Coat Ceremony and special guest lectures that address professional behavior and ethical issues. The Council also investigates academic dishonesty cases and formulates strategies to reduce academic dishonesty incidence rates.
For additional information, contact the Student Life office at (409) 772-1996.Student Ombudsman
A neutral third party designated to hear University-related grievances brought forth by students. The ombudsman listens to and discusses student concerns, questions, or complaints, explains University policies. The ombudsman also provides information and referrals to help resolve the student's problem in an objective, non-threatening manner. The ombudsman can handle various academic and non-academic concerns, such as fee payment, housing, financial aid, grades, academic issues, and other university-related issues. Confidentiality is assured.
Calls should be directed to (409) 747-4820.- Qualitative Content Analysis of Coworkers' Safety Reports of Unprofessional Behavior by Physicians and Advanced Practice Professionals
- How to Criticize a Co-worker (Fortune)
- Confronting a rude and disrespectful coworker who happens to be a physician. (Vital Smarts Crucial Conversation)
- Project Professionalism - American Board of Internal Medicine
- The ACGME Outcome Project Retrospective and Prospective - Susan Swing
- Integrating Service Learning into the Curriculum - Kirk Smith, Yasmin meah, Belinda Reinnger, Miles Farr, Jessica Zeidman, David Thomas
- Professional Identity Formation in Medical Education The Convergence of Multiple Domains - Mark Holden, Era Buck, Mark Clark, Karen Szauter, Julie Trumble
- Unprofessional Behavior in Medical School is Associated with Subsequent Disciplinary Action by a State Medical Board - Maxine Papadakis, MD, Carol Hodgson, PhD, Arianne Teherani, PhD and Neal D. Kohatsu, MD, MPH
- Academic Integrity and Professionalism
- Medical Student Professionalism Are We Measuring the Right Behaviors? A Comparison of Professional Lapses by Students and Physicians - Michael A Ainsworth, Karen Szauter
- Building a Respectful and Collegial Environment - Larry Rute
- Cultural Transformation in Professionalism - Jo Shapiro
- Are We Measuring the Right Behaviors? A Comparison of Professional Lapses by Students and Physicians - Dr. Michael Ainsworth
- Confronting a Rude and Disrespectful Coworker
- The Journey to Creating a Campus-Wide Culture of Professionalism
- How, When and Why Bad Apples Spoil the Barrel
- I'm Too Use to It - A longitudinal qualitative study of third year female medical students experiences
- Consequences of Physician Disruptive Behavior - November 2007
- More than an Education - the hidden curriculum, professional attitudes and career choice
- When Surgeons Throw Scalpels
- A Complementary Approach to Promoting Professionalism: Identifying, Measuring, and Addressing Unprofessional Behaviors - Gerald B. Hickson, James w Pichert, Lynn Webb, Steven Gabbe
- Eradicating Medical Student Mistreatment
- Early Concern Notes
- The Daily Briefing
- Establishing Transdisciplinary Professionalism for Improving Health Outcomes
- The Bullying Culture of Medical School
- Models of Workplace Incivility: The Relationships to Instigated Incivility and Negative Outcomes - Kristofer Holm, Eva Torkelson, Martin Backstrom