Academic Affairs

Executive Leadership

Christine Baker

Christine Baker, EdD, PT
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Curriculum VitaeResearchGate

Contact Information

301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77555-1136

P: 409-772-3004

Teaching Areas of Interest


Research Interests

Physical and psychological impact of burns in children and young adults; educational outcomes for post-professional programs


Christine Baker, EdD, PT, is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the School of Health Professions (SHP) at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). She was formally a Professor (tenured) and the Program Director to the t-DPT Program in the UTMB SHP Department of Physical Therapy. She has been a licensed physical therapist for more than 45 years.

Dr. Baker received her Bachelor of Science degree from Texas Woman's University (TWU), her Master of Science (physical therapy) degree from TWU, and her EdD from Texas Tech University with a focus in Special Education. Dr. Baker has worked clinically in a variety of pediatric settings, and she has been a member of the physical therapy faculty at UTMB for more than 35 years.

Notable Publications

  • C Peyton, K Wroblewski, J Park, C Crisante, K Mariano, N Lyon, C Baker, B Rogers, J Roistacher, F Carter, M Msall. "Validity of the Warner Initial Developmental Evaluation of Adaptive and Functional Skills (WIDEA-FS): a daily activity criterion checklist for infants and toddlers;" Pediatric Research (2021). Published online February 9, 2021. Available at
  • D Wild, CW Jansen, C Baker, KD Carmichael, DA Yngve. "Minimally Invasive SPML Surgery for Children with Cerebral Palsy: Program Development;" Minimally Invasive Surgery, Vol 2020, Article ID 5124952, 13 pages, 2020.
  • C Baker. "Pauline Cerasoli Lecture 2012: Googling and Texting and Browsing, Oh My! Mentoring and Teaching in an Electronic Age"; Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2012, Vol. 26(3): 5-12.
  • C Baker, M Rosenberg, K Mossberg, C Holzer, P Blakeney, W Meyer.  "Relationships Between the Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ) and SF-36 Among Young Adults Burned as Children." Burns, 2008, Vol. 34(8): 1163-1168; available at
  • C Baker, W Russell, W Meyer III, P Blakeney. "Physical and Psychological Rehabilitation Outcomes for Young Adults Burned as Children." Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2007, Vol. 88(12, Suppl 2): S57-S64.

Note: A complete list of all publications can be found on the abbreviated CV.

Contact Us

Office of Academic Affairs
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77555-1136
O: SHP/SON 4.224
P: 409-772-3030
F: 409-772-1550

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