Certificate in Interdisciplinary Pain Management

Faculty & Staff

Marnin Romm

Marnin Joseph Romm, PhD PT (Pain Management), MSc Pain Science, MSc PT, MSC Psychology
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Certificate in Interdisciplinary Pain Management, CIPM Program Recruitment Director, CIPM Program Developer, Director and Lead Lecturer

Curriculum Vitae LinkedIn ResearchGate

Contact Information

301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77555-1124

E: mjromm@utmb.edu

Teaching Areas of Interest

Pain Neuroscience, Interdisciplinary Pain Management, Complex Diagnostics

Educational Research

Curriculum and course development in interdisciplinary/interprofessional pain management

Research Interests

The use of pain neuroscientific mechanisms that can me translated into the treatment and management of individuals with chronic and complex pain conditions.

Group-based interdisciplinary pain management programs; understanding covert factors such as the therapeutic alliance and group dynamics as variables that play a part in outcomes following treatment.


Marnin Joseph Romm, PhD PT (Pain Management), MSc Pain Science, MSc PT, MSC Psychology is an Adjunct Assistant Professor, Director, Developer, and Lead Lecturer for the Certificate in Interdisciplinary Pain Management Program in the School of Health Professions (SHP) at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).

Dr. Romm received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, English and Clinical Psychology (Honors) from the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (Honors/Masters) from the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), a Master of Science in Pain Science from King's College London, School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, and a PhD in PT focusing on Pain Management and Pain Neuroscience from the University of Miami.

Dr. Romm's academic and clinical background includes Physical Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Interdisciplinary Pain Management, Translational Pain neuroscience and complex diagnostics. Dr. Romm has over 20 years of clinical, faculty, and research experience in pain neuroscience and interdisciplinary pain management.

Clinically, Dr. Romm has developed and run collaborative group-based pain management programs for a number of clinics. In addition, as an academic, Dr. Romm has surmountable experience in pain science course and curriculum development, coordination and teaching. Dr. Romm has also been a guest speaker on topics around his expertise in the pain sciences, for various universities globally, a key-note speaker for numerous national and international conferences and congresses. Dr. Romm has a great passion dedicated towards advising students through their research and courses

Notable Publications

  • Romm M, Cahalin L, Fiebert I, Ahn S. A Meta‐Analysis of Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience Education, Using Dosage and Treatment Format as Moderator Variables. Pain Practice. 2020. doi.org/10.1111/papr.12962 (early release)
  • Romm M, Cahalin L, Fiebert I, Ahn S. A Meta‐Analysis of Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience Education, Using Dosage and Treatment Format as Moderator Variables. Pain Practice. 2021;21(3):366-380. doi.org/10.1111/papr.12962
  • Romm M, Cahalin L, Fiebert I, Ahn S. A Meta-Analysis of Group-Based Pain Management Programs: Overall Effect on Quality of Life and Other Chronic Pain Outcome Measures, with an Exploration into Moderator Variables that Influence the Efficacy of Such Interventions. Pain Medicine. 2021;22(2): 407-429. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnaa376
  • Romm M and Cahalin L. 2021. The Development of the Therapeutic Group Context Questionnaire: Reliability and validity measures based on telehealth Group-based Pain Management Programs. Journal of Telehealth and Telemedicine. DOI: 10.1177/1357633X211027410 June
  • Romm M. 2021. Therapeutic Pain Neuroscience Education. International Journal of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. 2021;7(4):51.

Current Manuscript/awaiting publication

Telehealth Group-Based Pain Management Programs

  • Title: Telehealth Group-Based Pain Management Programs: A Prognostic Cohort Study Examining Pre-Intervention Readiness to Change Maladaptive Pain Behaviors

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