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Use of Geographic Variation to Estimate Effectiveness With Nonrandomized Data

Recorded at the Comparative Effectiveness Research with Population-Based Data Conference, Baker Institute at Rice University, 2012. Presented by Mary Beth Landrum, PhD, Harvard Medical School.

Learning Module Notes Modules

  1. Introduction (0:00 - 8:09)
  2. Mary Beth Landrum: Presentation Overview (8:09 – 55:40)
    • The difficulty of comparative effectiveness research in population-based data sets
  3. Mary Beth Landrum: Q&A (55:40 – 1:11:29 )
  4. Speaker Transition Introductions: (1:11:29 – 1:14:45)
    • Matt Mejuski – Health Economist & Health Services Researcher 
  5. Presentation Overview: (1:14:45 – 1:16:53 )
    • Discuss motivation around quasi-experiments, context & skepticism
    • Incident vs. prevalent user cohort
    • Study design characteristics to improve the rigor
    • Internal Validity Threats, Strengths of External Validity
  6. Principles around Quasi-Experimental study designs: (1:16:53-2:05:10 )
    • Experimental studies/RCTs enable causality statements
    • Motivation & Value of Quasi-Experimental Studies
    • Ideal Quasi-Experiment: Internal Validity, HRT Controversy
    • Indirect evidence between RTC & quasi-experiments
    • Conclusions about concordance
    • 4 Design choices for rigorous quasi-experiments
    • The bottom line for quasi-experiments
  7.  Q&A (2:05:10 – 2:17:33)