SHP Stellar Performance Awards
SHP Stellar Performance Awards represent values emphasized at our school, including Professionalism, Leadership, Innovation, Service, and Excellence. We recognize SHP faculty for exemplifying these values and going above and beyond in carrying out the mission of the School of Health Professions.
The AY 2023-2024 award recipients were:
- Jeanne Smith - Educational Excellence Award
- Dana Wild - Leadership Excellence Award
- Laurie Farroni - Service Excellence Award
- James Walrath - Rising Faculty Star Award
- Melissa Morrow - Research Faculty Educational Excellence Award
- Claudia Hilton - Scholarship Excellence Award
- Juan Rojo - Teaching Faculty Scholarship Excellence Award
The AY 2022-2023 award recipients were:
- Rodney Welsh - Educational Excellence Award
- Karen Ratcliff - Leadership Excellence Award
- Amy Boyd - Service Excellence Award
- Lima Ghulmi - Rising Faculty Star Award
- Gregory Brusola - Research Faculty Educational Excellence Award
- Karthik Mani - Teaching Faculty Scholarship Excellence Award
The AY 2021-2022 award recipients were:
- Rajkumar Rajendran - Educational Excellence Award
- Amber Armstead - Leadership Excellence Award
- Loree Pryor - Service Excellence Award
- Gregory Brusola - Rising Faculty Star Award
- April Cowan - Scholarship Excellence Award
- Shih-Chiao Tseng - Teaching Faculty Scholarship Excellence Award
Committee Charge
The Bylaws of the Faculty express the philosophy of the faculty in regard to their responsibility to the objectives of the School, to the manner in which they organize themselves for the accomplishments of those objectives, and to the involvement of faculty
in the affairs of the School. To accomplish the objectives of the School, the faculty recognize the need for an effective relationship between their members and those individuals or groups with whom they interact, either individually or collectively,
including fellow faculty, administrators, educational support personnel and students either in the School, The University of Texas Medical Branch or other components of The University of Texas System.
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