METRO STAR is a service that saves money, reduces stress and helps you relax to and from work. STAR offers hundreds of scheduled vanpool routes in our region, including routes in Galveston, Harris and Brazoria counties.
With STAR vanpooling, riders share the cost of the van, fuel, maintenance, parking and tolls. The vans are driven by one or more of the riders. Vehicles are leased under METRO STAR Vanpool and there are no lease and insurance obligations to the riders or their employers.
New routes are forming all the time, and Metro STAR helps form new routes by identifying riders and drivers, arranging
individual costs and working with employers to promote and support STAR
routes. STAR works to keep seats full at the lowest possible cost.
STAR receives funding from METRO, the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, and support from UTMB. Together, these dollars go toward discounting costs incurred by each rider.
Vanpooling is the safest form of public transit, according to the National Transportation Safety Board, even safer than personal vehicle use.
And if a qualified emergency occurs in midday or a rider unexpectedly needs to work late, a free ride home is available by calling Customer Service at (713) 224-RIDE.
Get Started Now
Getting started is easy: Fill out a simple form, below. Metro STAR staff will find the best route and van for you, and reserve a seat.
For more information, email
Click to sign up now