About the Campus Security and Fire Safety Reports
The University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Internal Investigations prepares the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report, and the UTMB Police Department (UTMB PD) prepares UTMB's Daily Crime Log, in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act. UTMB's Strategy and Communications Office publishes the Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report via the UTMB website each year.
The Annual Security Report is published annually by Oct. 1; it contains the three most recent calendar years of crime statistics and outlines security policy statements, including sexual assault policies. The crime statistics include incidents occurring on campus, in on-campus student housing areas, on public property within the campus and immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus, and on certain non-campus facilities. The crime statistics are gathered from UTMB PD crime reports and other designated UTMB campus security authorities who have significant responsibility for students and campus activities. Crime statistics are also gathered from the Galveston, League City, Houston and Angleton police departments.
The Annual Fire Safety Report is published by Oct. 1 each year, a requirement that began in 2010. It provides fire safety policies and statistics for UTMB’s on-campus student housing facilities separately for the three most recent calendar years. Fire statistics are gathered from UTMB Environmental Health & Safety - General Safety & Fire Prevention.
The Daily Crime Log is designed to disclose crime information on a timelier basis than the annual statistical disclosures. The log is open to public inspection upon request during normal business hours. The log is updated within two business days of an incident being reported and includes all criminal incidents and all alleged criminal incidents reported to UTMB PD that occurred within the patrol jurisdiction of UTMB PD for the most recent 60-day period. Any portion of the Crime Log that is older than 60 days is available within two business days of a request for public inspection.
About the "Maintaining a Drug-Free Campus" publication
Maintaining a Drug-Free Campus at UTMB. The consequences of drug and alcohol abuse can be devastating and widespread. At UTMB, a web publication provides information on the most commonly abused drugs, discusses consequences of that abuse, and outlines the university, state and federal penalties for such abuse. More importantly, it tells readers where to turn for help if they or someone they know is dependent on these substances.
The Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report may be obtained in a printed version by contacting:
- UTMB Department of Internal Investigations, 2.318 Rebecca Sealy Bldg., 404 8th Street, Galveston, TX 77555-0134, Tel: (409) 747-5741; or
- UTMB Police Department, 2.712 Rebecca Sealy Bldg., 404 8th Street, Galveston, TX 77555, Tel. 409-772-1503, during normal business hours Monday–Friday.
These reports are also available on the UTMB web site (https://www.utmb.edu/security-safety/). Or, go directly to https://www.utmb.edu/securityreport/ and https://www.utmb.edu/firesafetyreport.
UTMB Daily Crime Log may be viewed in-person at:
- UTMB Police Department, 2.712 Rebecca Sealy Bldg., 404 8th Street, Galveston, TX 77555, Tel. 409-772-1503,
during normal business hours Monday–Friday. https://www.utmb.edu/police/
UTMB Daily Fire Log / Monthly Fire Report may be viewed in-person at:
- UTMB Environmental Health & Safety, 1302 Mechanic St., Room 2.112, Galveston, TX 77555-1111, Tel. 409-
747-0515. https://www.utmb.edu/ehs/
Printed copies of "Maintaining a Drug-Free Campus at UTMB" may be requested by contacting:
- UTMB Department of Internal Investigations at (409) 747-5741. This information is also available on the web at www.utmb.edu/drug-free.