Medical Genetics and Metabolism
Director: Joseph W. Ray MD
Genetics provides comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis
for adult and pediatric patients with potential genetic conditions. Our scope
covers all genetic related concerns including prenatal genetics, cancer
genetics, and referrals from our colleagues in general practice and organ-specific specialties such as cardiology, endocrine, neurology, renal, etc. We
provide treatment and surveillance for conditions with genetic etiologies. These treatments include but are not limited to enzyme replacement
therapy, enzyme substitute therapy, chaperone therapy, gene therapy, exon
skipping medications, and dietary and medical food management for inborn errors
of metabolism. We provide face-to-face outpatient services in Galveston
and League City and inpatient coverage for our hospitals in Clearlake, League
City, and Galveston.
Telehealth options are available as well. We
have active participation in medical student, pediatric resident, maternal-fetal medicine fellow, physician assistant student, genetic counseling student,
and breast surgical fellow education in the clinical setting, and participate
in the education of medical students and physician assistant students during
their basic science years.